Thursday, October 8, 2015

Is Purple The Color Of Passion?

Is Purple The Color Of Passion?

Purple, an exotic color, rarely found in nature, formerly was considered the color of royalty since it was only affordable to the elite. Therefore purple became associated with power and luxury. Purple has also been associated with creativity and a boost in both confidence and energy levels.

A survey by a U.K. retailer found purple was the color that seemed to inspire the most frequent sexual encounters among the survey takers. This entertaining survey may make you wonder whether the color of your bedroom has anything to do with how amorous you feel. Although colors have different meanings in different cultures, research has demonstrated some mood altering effects of color. For example blues and greens have been found to have a calming effect, where reds, yellows and orange tend to be stimulating. Even if the effects are only temporary, color does seem to affect our moods to some extent.

It is important to recognize that the U.K. survey does not address the question of whether more passionate people prefer purple or if purple actually increases passion. It has been suggested by some that purple should be avoided in the bedroom because it is a high energy color and the bedroom is for relaxing. Perhaps if we want to increase passion in the bedroom, relaxing would be considered as only part of the purpose of the room.

Likewise, if there is any truth in the research that suggests women prefer warm colors and men prefer cool colors, then perhaps purple, a combination of cool blue and warm red provides a meeting place for both genders. If purple does indeed inspire more passion perhaps this effect could be attributed to the possibility that the boost in confidence, energy level and creativity associated with the color purple pays off in the bedroom.

Before painting your bedroom purple, do some experimenting with how color affects you personally. It is more important to choose colors and decor that are comfortable and inviting to both of you. Men, remember that having a bedroom that allows your partner to feel feminine will benefit you as well as her. Likewise, be sure to include elements in your bedroom that allow the man to feel at home and masculine. Although purple could be considered more feminine and romantic and perhaps it does encourage passionate feelings, you may want to begin with smaller changes, addition of throw pillows, fresh flowers or photographs, rather than painting your walls purple.  

Susan Derry, B.Ed., M.S.Psy., R.P.C., C.P.C.
Professional Counselor & Life Coach
Co-author of Marriage Prep: Beginnings a downloadable marriage preparation course
Co-author of Intimate Sex: Manual for Lovemaking, a sex manual for couples
Offers a free Nurturing Marriage Ezine

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