Tuesday, January 6, 2015

New Site for the New Year: Check it Out!

There's a new site in Los Angeles that I definitely recommend checking out. It just debuted this week and already seems to be buzzing.

Style Unveiled Los Angeles is a new guide which provides the best of resources, stylish advice and of course inspiration. They have some amazing areas of the site including their Eco-Chic section, The Runway and general advice on tying the knot. In addition, you can view their featured weddings, check out their blog called The Lounge and read helpful articles like the inspirational Couture Coloure.

The site created by Heather Sharpe, originated in Seattle and seems like it will be popping up in cities near you soon! Check out Seattle Style to see more of what's to come on LA's site!

Have a great afternoon and happy surfing!

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